Accredia is the authority designated by the Italian government to certify the competence, independence and impartiality of the companies and laboratories that verify the compliance of products and services with the regulations. Each European country has its own single accreditation authority, which operates in line with the EC Regulation 765/2008 and the international standard ISO / IEC 17011. Accreditation by Accredia certifies competence, independence and impartiality of the certification, inspection and verification bodies, and of the testing and calibration laboratories, ensuring their suitability to assess the conformity of products and services with the requirements established by voluntary and mandatory standards.
Why Accredia is important?
Accreditation ensures that the certification, inspection and verification bodies, and the testing and calibration laboratories, follow all the requirements required by the standards to carry out conformity assessment activities. Accreditation is the attestation of the competence, independence and impartiality of the certification, inspection and verification authorities, and of the testing and calibration laboratories, by a neutral jurisdiction.
What Accredia guarantees
Compliance with standards
High degree of reliability
Worldwide market presence
What are Accredia’s goals?
Born to respond to a market that is increasingly in needs of quality and safety, Accredia promotes the development of the entire economic and social system, supporting the competitiveness of companies also on international markets.
Choosing a testing laboratory accredited by Accredia places very important guarantees for all market players. In fact, the accreditation body can bring important benefits for accredited entities, public administrations, businesses and consumers.
The photometric laboratory within the new ITC research and development center is under Accredia accreditation with n ° 01861. The accreditation of the laboratory involves the verification of the technical competence relating to the accredited tests and its Management System, in compliance to the UNI CEI EN ISO / IEC 17025 standard. With accreditation, Accredia ensures the technical competence of AEC staff, the adequacy of its equipment, as well as the suitability of the structure. Another important goal reached by AEC that follows the company philosophy of “Total Quality System”.