The energy efficiency of Turin

The new LED public lighting in Turin is an energy efficiency project that has seen all AEC’s know-how applied in different areas of the city. AEC Illuminazione participated in a prestigious tender, winning the entire order of over 45,000 lighting fixtures from the ITALO series for street lighting and the GALILEO floodlight for architectural lighting and large pedestrian areas. Two series of products, extremely efficient in consumption that have guaranteed important energy savings and greater road safety in Turin. After Milan, Turin also implemented an important modernization project for public lighting. The LED technology applied to the new public lighting in Turin has allowed the Turin administration to achieve significant cost reductions and about 60% energy savings. The project was completed in line with the indications of the European Commission on the subject of energy efficiency.

The new LED lighting in Turin

Cost reduction, increased safety and improved nightlife

The new LED public lighting in Turin has brought important advantages to the Municipality not only in terms of reducing energy and maintenance costs but also in terms of attractiveness. Through the intervention of AEC, in fact, the areas of the city are illuminated in a uniform manner and more usable by citizens even at night for an improvement in commercial activities and nightlife. Discover all the solutions that AEC offers you for your public lighting project.

LED public lighting

Guaranteed return on investment

Safer areas, lower costs and increased nightlife are just some of the benefits guaranteed by the Turin energy efficiency project.

The numbers of the project

Turin’s energy efficiency has been a real success in terms of reducing energy consumption, reducing the tons of CO2 produced each year and reducing the annual disposal of lamps.


Luminaires installed

Number of LED street lights installed


Energy saving

Electricity saved per year


Tons of oil

Oil saved every year


Reduction of CO2 emission

Tons of CO2 produced less every year

Increase the attractiveness of your city with LEDs

The Turin energy efficiency project aimed at satisfying the needs of energy efficiency and cost reduction for the municipality. The supply of LED street lighting and floodlights for the lighting of large urban areas and architectures have made it possible to give new light to the streets and monuments of the city, favouring drivers and commercial activities.

A new LED lighting for city activities

Quality light for an increase in commercial activities and nightlife

AEC’s LED technology applied to public lighting with 100% Made in Italy luminaires has allowed the Turin administration to achieve significant cost reductions. At the same time, well-illuminated streets guarantee a greater flow of citizens and tourists in shopping areas and an increase in nightlife. In fact, with an energy saving of 60%, 24,945,000 kWh/year were saved. Furthermore, the new lighting made it possible to enhance the architectural peculiarities of the city and the commercial activities. Discover the advantages of choosing LED technology.

LED advantages